Dozy Cow
I got my laptop going, which is good. I can now work with multiple screens on my desk, like an air traffic controller. I got Framemaker up and running. I still have an issue with Authorware and I need an image editor. I did have Paint Shop Pro 8, which was OK, but not great. I now have Paint Shop Pro 7, which is, well crap. Apparently no one knows if we have a licence for PSP8. I simply assumed we did because it was loaded on my old machine. No one can find licence or software however, hence the downgrade. It's amazing isn't it; this company produces ground breaking risk management, risk assessment, finacial software used by major banking institutions all over the world, but they can't keep track of their desktop software.
My old machine has died. It's been on the critical list for weeks. It has actually shuffled off this mortal coil now. Lucky I had the foresight to back it up before the power down over the weekend.
My boss is German. He reminds me of the German character from The League of Gentlemen. He doesn't live in Royston Vasey though. I think he lives in Oxford. He wears glasses with a string so he can hang them round his neck. Currently he is wearing the glasses, and the string is actually resting on his head. Large loops of cord are hanging each side of his head like spaniel ears. It's hard not to laugh. He mutters to himself in a variety of languages throughout the day. He's in New York next week. He's like a 5-year-old, all excited about seeing the big city. Actually I quite like the guy, and he's good at his job. That doesn't stop him being a bit odd.
Apparently my desk is to be sanitised this weekend. I don't know what's going on in this office, but stuff like this keeps happening. This week I have been visited by the IT police and told to use a BIOS password and a disk access password. What's more, I can't even use a sensible password, I have to have a weird string generated by a randomising thinger. And like everybody else, I can't remember it of the other 15 passwords I need just to get going in the morning, so I write them down. Anyway, to get back to what I was saying earlier, I have strict instructions to clear my desk this evening.
Sharon Stone has gone down in my estimation this week. I used to quite like her. It may have had a lot to do with Basic Instinct, but I thought she was pretty savvy. Then she tells the Chinese that the recent earthquake was likely down to "bad Karma" caused by the Chinese policy on Tibet. I'm amazed that she isn't spectacularly embarrassed by the fact that she professes to be a buddhist and yet, as has been pointed out by so many media outlets, she apparently has bugger-all understanding of Karma. In her defence, I have met many people in buddhist areas of Asia who have converted to Christianity and have bugger-all knowledge of the bible. You'd be amazed how many "Christians" don't know that there are old and new testaments for instance. I'm also amazed that Ms Stone didn't check the map quickly before making her comments. If she had taken the trouble to glance at the atlas she might have noticed that half of Tibet actually falls into the quake zone. Honestly, dozy cow, I don't care if she does take her clothes off, I'm not watching her films again. Come to think of it, Basic Instinct II was dire anyway.
There was no one on the train this morning, and the bus was pretty empty too. I thought I had come to work on Saturday by mistake. I am thinking of doing a surreptitious bunk actually. The boss has sloped off early to prepare for his trip. I'm not doing very much. I swear no one would notice.
LAst episode of Lost Series 4 should be available for stealing tonight - hooray for bit torrents.