Thursday, May 01, 2008

Election Day

I went to see our IT bod this morning to get my new laptop formatted and rebuilt. I used to do that job years ago. It's a good way to make a living, until you reach your thirties and realise you haven't actually done anything constructive for the previous 10 years, but that's not why I'm telling you. I thought I could blag my way into getting him to do the work without me having to raise it officially. Alas no, the poor lad is busy. I even offered to sleep with him, but to no avail. I had to raise a ticket like everyone else.

This Austrian sex-slave in the cellar thing gets weirder every day. The papers are still claiming that this guy kept three people locked up in the basement for years without any of the people living upstairs knowing anything about it. Call me cynical, but he built a bloody prison under the house with five rooms. It had running water, electrics, cooker, shower, drainage, and his wife never noticed? She never heard any power tools? Never wondered why he was carrying a lavatory down the cellar steps? And when it was built, in 24 years she never heard anything from the people down there? Never wondered why he was taking food down there?

The Sun today is reporting that the guy regularly went off on holidays to Thailand without his wife. In fact there are pictures of him on the beach. I suppose it's possible he could have left enough supplies to keep his prisoners alive while he was gone. But again, I'm astounded that while he was away the wife didn't have a quick butchers in the cellar and get slightly suspicious about the dirty great concrete door down there with a digital lock on it. I mean, are we to believe she never even noticed it, or that she knew it was there and didn't think it suspicious?

The above paragraphs were written yesterday, but never posted, obviously. I was going to post this at OD today, but the site appears to be down. I wonder what the excuse will be this time.

It's election day today. I was intending to go and vote for my local council on the way to the station this morning but I didn't have time. I'll vote on the way home instead. I don't care much about local council elections. Local councils all seem to work on the principal that they have a budget which they must spend before the year ends. The thought of saving it and using any surplus to reduce the tax bill for residents the following year is a concept so alien to them that it never even gets brought up.

In my home town they are currently installing a giant tv screen to show 24 hour news in the shopping centre. In the process of installing said screen they found it necessary to dig up about an acre of block paving, and replace it with block paving that seems to me to be identical. A perfect example of using the budget because have it.

Anyway, despite the fact that I don't care much about local elections I always vote, because I can't bear not to. And this time is especially important because we have a chance to show Gordon Brown what a complete custard he is. So I will not be voting for anyone. I will be voting against the Labour Party.

I think we should clone Mrs Thatch while we still can.

This weekend will be a three day weekend because Monday is a holiday. Next weekend is the international kite festival. I want to go, but I don't know if we will be in Devon.


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