Thursday, April 17, 2008

Foul Behaviour

My headache feels better today. I think I was just tired. I slept well. I'm still tired though. Must be the pressure.

I've almost made up my mind to buy a pic programmer and build some of the pic projects from EPE Magazine. It's a little bit expensive, but it's not like we're poor, and it's better then watching tv.

I hear on the grapevine that tonight James Randi will be in a pub in WC2 from 6.30. I had half a mind to go up there after work and investigate, but I don't know that my informant is genuine, and I don't feel confident crashing a private meeting anyway. I still want to know who my informant is and what he actually knows. I'm still hoping to get tickets for his Saturday evening show.

The Olympic torch continues its journey round the world. Today it is scheduled to pass through Delhi. Thousands of police and "commandos"!? have been drafted in to ensure embarrassment is kept to a minimum. And Delhi has been "locked down". You'd think Beijing would be getting the message by now wouldn't you. I think Delhi is expecting particular problems because a lot of escaped Tibetans live there. Fire blankets and extinguishers have been supplied to put out people setting fire to themselves.

I picked up a leaflet from Sainsbury supermarket yesterday that promised to explain where their range of eggs are sourced. The supermarkets provide a bewildering array of eggs. The cheapest seem to come from caged chickens, but progressively more expensive eggs come from barn reared chickens, free range chickens, and woodland chickens. Organic woodland reared chicken eggs, and organic free range chicken eggs are also available. I learned all this from the leaflet.

Why am I reading this tripe? God knows, it's not like I care where my eggs come from, but stick with me, there is a comedy element to this. The leaflet goes on to explain what the advantages of each chicken rearing technique. Obviously caged chickens don't get to run around and play with the other chickens, barn chickens don't get to run barefoot across dew-kissed grass like the free range chickens. All seems pretty straight forward. But what is the advantage of woodland reared and free range chickens? Well, apparently free range chickens get to satisfy their natural foraging instinct. OK, I can believe that, foraging for worms and stuff, sounds very chicken to me. But Woodland chickens, they're very lucky because they get to exhibit their natural "jungle fowl behaviour".

No, seriously, Woodland reared chickens exhibit "jungle foul behaviour", Look!

I Googled it, but I still can't find out what "jungle fowl behaviour" is. Where do chickens come from? I thought they were indigenous.

Now, as if that isn't enough, I was reading this to the dragon and she didn't know the word "fowl". So she asked, "what foul behaviour is this then?"

I also liked the story of the Australian police who left a handcuffed man in the back of their car while they went to look for evidence of a burglary, and came back to find that he'd made off in their car. The car was recovered, the suspect is still at large apparently.


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