Thursday, April 03, 2008

Don't give a toss

Today Dumpy counted from 1 to 12. I think that's pretty cool for the little man. He's only just hit 2. I always get him up in the morning and bring him downstairs for breakfast. Every morning we count the stairs. Today he just did it by himself. I didn't lead him at all. Am I becoming one of those boring parents that thinks their child is going to be the next Einstein. Ah whatever, today we count the stairs, tomorrow we gain recognition as a world changing theoretical physicist.

Bob Mugabe looks like he's in very deep smeg indeed. He says he's ready to fight in a run off election for the presidency, but he's already lost control of parliament and the opposition parties have said if there is a run off they will join together to see that he is ousted. He doesn't appear to have a hope of winning the election he did everything he could to rig, apparently.

There seems to be a massive row going on today about whether cannabis should be reclassified as a class B drug. It always used to be a class B drug. The problem has occurred because Tony Blair decreed that it wasn't a big problem and should be re classed as a class C drug. In fact, as is usual with that lying bastard, he had an ulterior motive. It was better for the government to label it class C because it meant they didn't have to spend time and money prosecuting users, only dealers. It made the crime figures look better and it was cheaper you see. Unfortunately there was a side effect. It meant that all the pot-heads suddenly felt quite comfortable smoking the foul stuff openly on the streets.

I can't walk across the local town centre these days with my two year old son without tripping over some bombed out tosser with a spliff. The PM has realised this is the case and has stated that he would like it returned to class B status. However, in a rather embarrassing turn of events, the government's own drug advisory council (or whatever the hell they call themselves) has said it should remain classed as a class C drug. They seem to have come to the conclusion based on evidence from some research done at Keele University.

So wait a second, can anyone else see a touch of irony creeping in here? A bunch of university students have some to the conclusion that cannabis is harmless! Hmm, right.

My view, for what it's worth...

I don't give a toss if you want to smoke the disgusting stuff. I don't give a toss if you turn yourself insane as a result, as long as I don't have to pick up your medical bill. The only thing I care about is whether I have to see it, or more accurately whether my son has to see it when we are in a public place. Oh, and I don't care whether it is class C or B either.


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