Friday, March 21, 2008

Code Monkey - Very Simple Man

I really like the Jonathan Coulton song, Code Monkey. It's not the music, which is fine but not special, it's the concept, and the fact that the lyrics work so well. Perhaps you have to work with code monkeys, or be a code monkey to fully understand it. I thought it was slightly sad, and funny all at once. I assume Coulton is American. I thought you guys didn't understand irony. Anyway, click the link and listen to Code Monkey. I haven't listened to anything else on that page at time of writing. I'm sort of scared to actually.

I became a victim of my own success yesterday. I was demonstrating some interactive training material I created to some colleagues, and now because they like it, I need to re jig it and send it out to clients by next Thursday. Suddenly I have a cart-load of work to do, and the Easter bank holiday is in the middle of it all. Not that I mind the holiday you understand, looking forward to it. I just have a habit of forgetting what I was doing before I took the break.

I'm actually writing this on Friday, it's Dumpy's birthday. I think he had a good day. We took him to Butterfly World. They have hot houses with gazillions of tropical butterflies. He's not specially interested in the butterflies, but he really liked the Goats, Guinea Pigs, Rabbit's, and Turkeys. He really liked the turkeys.

We bought him a table and two little chairs for his birthday. He likes it. He's been driving his little cars across it all day. Grandma also bought him a tent, which he also loves. He's had a good birthday.

I just watched the 8 the episode of Lost, series 4. I have no idea what's going on now. Tom Friendly is gay!? Didn't see that one coming.

Anyway, it's late and I think it's time for bed.


At 4:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Code Monkey, but Creepy Doll is one of my favourites. His cover of Famous Blue Raincoat is WONDERFUL, and I know all the words to the ending song from the video game Portal. He wrote the song, and the woman that did the voice acting for the computer, GLaDOS did the singing. RE Your Brains and Skullcrusher Mountain are my favourites though. I know the words to those as well and sing along. My husband thinks its great. Millionaire Girlfriend is also wonderful, mostly because its such a pretty song. The lyrics are hilarious, but the overall arrangement is really good. I like him because he's such a talented song writer, and his stuff is about geeky things I can relate to.

Happy birthday, Dumpster!!!! Tell him I said to STOP GROWING! To fast, to fast!!


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