Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I don't understand

he Roman Catholic Church has released a revised set of deadly sins. It used to be nice and simple, you know, lust, gluttony, avarice, greed etc. The new updated ones are more complex. They involve such transgressions as genetic modification, human experimentation, and environmental pollution. One supposes they consider that the more educated masses require more sophisticated guidance. Here's the thing that struck me though; they say that obscene wealth should now be considered a sin. That's the Catholic Church making this statement, the richest church in the world, the biggest landowner in the world, the obscenely wealthy organisation that owns an independent state. It's not just me is it, there is an irony here isn't there?

Sticking with the Christian theme for a moment, I also read a story today about dozens of people blinding themselves trying to see an image of the Madonna in the sun. I shit you not ladies and gentlemen. Some clown claims the virgin appeared to him at a house in India, and the religious sheep all rush there, stare into the sun and blind themselves. There is also some related claim that statues of the virgin are weeping honey and bleeding oils and perfumes.

I just don't understand this. Surely, even if you do believe in God, there can only be two possibilities here, either statues are weeping honey and oils and it's a miracle, or this guy making the claim is a nutter/fraudster? I don't care how faithful you are, one's about a million times more likely than the other isn't it?


At 11:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the half of the equation you're missing is that the people who fall for such garbage are nutters too.


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