Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Moses was bombed out on mushrooms

Apparently Moses was bombed out on mushrooms when he saw the burning bush. I rather like this idea, though I don't think it really matters very much. I suppose it would matter to me if I was a believer. Apparently Benny Shannon has researched this and come to the conclusion that the Israelites were all dropping acid on a regular basis and that burning bushes, thunder, lightning, blaring trumpets and the like are all classic hallucinations. Sounds like an Alice Cooper gig to me. Actually, that's probably consistent with the theory too come to think of it.

I'm thinking this Benny Shannon guy is just another academic trying to make a name for himself by saying something controversial.

I've finally got around to paying the credit card bill. This is a good thing. It wasn't that we couldn't afford it, it's just a question of doing it. Last time I forgot to pay I had my credit limit dropped. It got up my nose. I still haven't bought a new tv licence. I'm going to see how long I can put that off before they threaten legal action. Those custards ripped me off a few years ago when they refused to refund half a year when I was out of the country.

Today Parliament is voting on the EU Treaty. If the Tory amendment gets passed, it will pave the way for a vote on the EU constitution. This would be a wonderful thing indeed. Sadly, it just aint going to happen because that twerp Nick Clegg has instructed his gang to abstain, and the government has a majority of 65 or something. It would be a major event if they were defeated. It will however be deeply embarrassing for Gordon even when they do win because a substantial number of his own party are set to vote against him. Serves him right for not honouring his promise of a referendum in the first place.

The whole EU thing is astounding to me. Around 90% of the British electorate are deeply sceptical about Europe and definitely want a referendum. That is not my opinion, that is a verifiable fact. The government however is around 90% in favour of Europe, or at least they are voting that way. You can look at this from two angles. Either you can conclude that the politicians have a greater or different understanding of the issue, or that they have a different agenda.

When I suggest that politicians may have a greater or different understanding of the issues, I mean that the honourable member for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath may understand the consequences of not ratifying the Lisbon treaty for instance, whereas the guy that tiled his bathroom may not.

When I suggest that politicians may have a different agenda, I mean that it may be more beneficial to MPs for the treaty to be ratified for instance, than it would be for the general public. As an example lets assume that an MP was desperate to become European President. That MP would be inclined to vote for any treaty or constitution that created the post of president. And if that politician was say, the leader of a UK political Party, then he or she might very well attempt to make that inclination a party policy.

Of course it's not possible to tell what caused the imbalance of opinions in the case of the Lisbon Treaty, but it's interesting to note that opinion is split very neatly along party lines. Labour MPs are in favour of the treaty, Conservatives are against it. Do all Labour MPs have a greater understanding of the consequences than all Conservative MPs? Seems unlikely. On the other hand, Tony Blair was very pro Europe, and his name has been put forward as a potential candidate for the post of Euro President when it becomes available. Blair was leader of the Labour party when it became party policy to support the now defunct constitution. It was Blair who was responsible for withdrawing the promise of a referendum on the issue after the Dutch and the French voted it out.


And it's now 10pm and the news is not great. The amendment did not win enough votes to force a treaty, so it is now passed to the Lords. Again, it won't win.


At 3:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Moses was on Ambien? I don't know if you have that particular sleep aid in the UK, but it makes me hhhhiiiigggghhhhhhh.. I wrote it up in entries over on my end if you're at ALL curious. I'm told it was entertaining by my husband.

At 3:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Benny Shannon's book is pioneering in its field.



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