Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Cuban Heels

I've had a letter from the tax office. Oh how I love those people. I actually got my tax return in on time this year. Admittedly I had left some boxes on their stupid form blank because I couldn't find the information, but it was filed. I did send it, they had my name on their list before 31 Jan. That doesn't very often happen. They sent it back to me of course, on 18 Feb, with a letter telling me to complete the empty boxes. The letter also stated that I had two weeks to return the form or I would be fined for failing to file a return. I got another letter, dated 19 Feb telling me I was fined £100 for a late return.

So I spent all day yesterday trying to speak to the right person at the tax office. I think I have it sorted, but I'm not sure. I have sent them the corrected form. I sent it last week. They must have got it long before 3 March. I don't know why they insist on making me fill out their stupid forms anyway. I am financially raped by the corrupt British administration at source anyway. They already know how much I paid and that I couldn't possibly have underpaid. They steal it before I even see it.


Before you read the next bit, if you don't know what the Proms are, you might want to click here.

The Culture Minister, Margaret Hodge, has said that the Proms concerts are "not inclusive enough". By this I assume she means that not everyone really enjoys them. As an aside here, I have to say I don't really know what this Margaret Hodge looks like. I have this image of a fat woman in riding jodhpurs and tweed jacket. I have no idea why. I'll have a look for a picture in a minute. Back to the matter in hand; if I'm right and this comment means that the Proms should appeal to everyone, I have a message for the Culture Minister:

We already have a music festival that includes everyone. It's called the Eurovision Song Contest. And in case you haven't noticed, it's so bland and utterly inoffensive, it has become the musical equivalent of wallpaper. I loath the proms (or at least the last night), but there really is no need to change them. If the Proms really don't get your nipples greased, get tickets for the Chinese State Circus.

Ah, she isn't fat or wearing riding jodhpurs in this picture. She is a Labour MP however, which means she is morally bankrupt. And she's the MP for "Barking". How very apt.

Why do we need a Culture Minister? Culture is something that just happens isn't it? You can't govern it. What is the Culture Minister supposed to do, stand on street corners confiscating undesirable fashion accessories in case they become part of mainstream culture?

"I can't let you walk down here in Cuban heels. Good Lord man, there are impressionable youths around."

I suppose she is, bearing in mind she appears to be trying to turn the Proms into the Des O'Connor show.

Oh, just one other thing. Tomorrow (Wed 4 Mar) there is going to a be an Tory amendment voted on in Parliament. If it gets a majority, the government decision to renege on its promise to allow a referendum on the EU Treaty will be overturned. The sad truth is that it will not get a majority. There are about 30 Labour MPs set to vote against the government, and they have a majority of about 65. There are also a handful of Tory and Lib Dem MPs set to vote with the government, and they should be utterly ashamed of themselves. The best I can hope for is that the government is embarrassed. More news on that as it becomes available.

Stop Press Stop Press:

I've had a call from the tax office. They've cancelled my penalty.


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