Saturday, February 02, 2008

All is well in the world

I've decided to be a pensive goblin again. I have tired of being Doctor X.

It's the dragon's birthday today, but sadly she is on the other side of the world. I tried to call her, but her phone just rang out. I did catch her for a few minutes this morning on MSN. Dumpy is better now. He had a little ear infection, but he has definitely recovered. I'm flying out there to join them on Monday. I don't know if you will get any updates from me while I am in the Orient, but if not, don't worry, I'm not dead. I'll be back around Valentines day I believe.

I'm typing this in the office. I can't honestly say I'm working very hard, well I'm typing my diary, but I really don't think I could work very hard on anything complicated now because there is a bloody argument taking place about four paces from my desk. It's relatively good natured, but it's loud. I suspect that fingers will begin pointing within the next few minutes. I don't care very much. I just wish they'd piss off and find a meeting room in which to shout at each other. Ah, they seem to have dispersed. I hope it's permanent.

I'm not sure I really understand the role of the project manager. A strange beast indeed. And in my experience, so few manage to actually be effective at, well, anything. The PM around which the above argument was raging, is something of a knob head. And that's another thing, so many PMs seem to be desperately unpopular. There are a few here that are very good. It must be a difficult job.

We were promised snow today, well maybe not promise, it was strongly hinted at. It's not going to. There is blue sky and sunshine. Oh how I hope that spring is approaching.

Since typing the second paragraph, I have spoken across the world to the dragon. She's fine. So is Dumpy. All is well in the world.


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