Sunday, February 03, 2008

Pics or it didn'thappen

I love that phrase of Abby's, "pics or it didn't happen". I'm not sure that defence would stand up in court, but I'd like to see someone attempt it. Actually, I am presented with a small problem because the dragon took our little Sony camera with her. I wasn't planning on packing one, but since I am now required to document the trip, I had to look out our old cybershot. I found that fairly quickly, and the charger. It took rather longer to find the spare battery. I am now fully equipped. It's on charge, all ready for the off tomorrow.

I've been packing today. of course. I think it's all done. I've also made an effort to clean up the house a bit. No one wants to come back to dishes in the sink and overflowing bins. I've been uncommonly organised. I even made a list of things to do before I leave. I don't very often travel alone these day.

So, it's goodbye for a while. Well, who knows, maybe I will write an entry while I'm away. I'll be back around 15th. Talk to you then.


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