I never did relate the story of how I drank foul Chinese alcohol with my wife's aunt over Chinese New Year. There is one specific day over Chinese New Year that one is supposed to visit the family of the wife. I don't know if we did it exactly right, since we didn't visit the dragon's mother, we went to her aunt instead. I was initially not really looking forward to the visit. I don't really know that side of the family very well and I have a devil of a job communicating with them. They are all nice people though and we had a duty I guess, so we went.
And I'm glad we went because we had a great time. There was lots of food. Dumpy had a wonderful time terrorising the cat and exploring an unfamiliar house. And as the evening progressed and I got to a point where eating any more would in fact have been dangerous, my aunt in law asked the question, "do you want to drink something alcoholic". I translated it wrong. I thought she said, "fancy a beer?", so I said yes. It turns out that she meant some clear spirit that tasted not unlike what I imagine aviation fuel to. What's more, I thought she meant that everyone would be having a snifter, but in fact she just wanted to see if she could get me drunk I think.

Well, I managed to persuade a few other people, in pigeon Mandarin, to have a drink with me. It's funny how foul alcohol seems less foul after you've had a couple. After two or three large glasses, my aunt and I were talking to each other merrily in our own languages like a couple of old friends. She told me I had to look after her neice, I know that much, and I promised her I would. You'll be pleased to know we stopped drinking before we started telling each other, "you're my best friend, you are". She made me take the bottle with me.
I've never had a big family. In some ways I feel I've missed out. I do find it difficult to adapt to family life in this way, but that was a great evening. And not just because of the booze.
I seem to have picked up a cold. I think I got it from Dumpy. I feel a bit crappy, sore throat, snotty nose. I also seem to have put my shoulder out again. I do that quite often. I'm not sure how. It usually clears up in a day or two. I won't come to work tomorrow if it gets any worse.
It's pay day today, or tomorrow I think. I just got a pay rise, which is good of course, and a bonus, which was also worth having. They are remodelling the office. I've just moved desks, but I think I'm going to have to move again when they move around the kitchen.
We've been to Devon for the weekend. Mother screwed up her email, but I've sorted that out. She wants broad band installed. Currently it's only dial up. I think broad band would be excellent. She's got a glare on about learning how to fly the PC. She has a course booked and everything. I'm going to organise ADSL or something for her. I wonder if I could introduce her to MSN.
It's mothers' day next week, so we will go down there again. I think brother will also go. Hope so.
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