Friday, April 11, 2008

Why is it all so complicated?

I just found out that James Randi is speaking in London on 19th April. The news went out on 8th April. I read about it this morning (11th April) and it's sold out. I almost cried. I knew he was going to be in Britain this month; why wasn't I checking his website for details? I'm on the mailing list for returns.

I think I agree with the Punk. I lost interest in the Olympics long ago. Actually, I'm not sure I ever had any interest in the first place. Well, I did enjoy watching Florence Griffith-Joyner, though probably not for sporting reasons. But now she's dead and it turned out she was only that fast because she was using dodgy substances anyway. It's not sport any more is it. However, that doesn't stop me from laughing my rocks off when I see Beijing trying so hard to make the torch relay spectacular, only to pee on their own collective feet.

Bloody Carla Bruni, that's the French president's concubine, in case you've been living on Mars for the last couple of months, has managed to make it into the headlines once more. This time she's managed to do so naked. A nude picture taken when she was a working model has just been sold for $91,000. This seems doubly odd to me. I can understand people, well men really, wanting to look at the woman naked. What I can't understand is why it's news-worthy, and secondly, why the hell anyone would pay that kind of money for the photo. It appeared in the tabloids last week and again today. It's all over the internet. I could print a copy for the price of a cup of coffee.

I can't believe I missed out on James Randi in London. That's about 50 minutes from home. He's practically on my doorstep. He's number one on my list of poeple I completely have to meet before I die.

The British Airways, Terminal 5 debacle continues to rumble on. They were supposed to be transferring their long haul flights to T5 this week, but it's been postponed due to on-going chaos. That of course means their is a knock-on effect because other airlines were going to take BA slots left vacant at Terminal 4 after the transfer. Is BA taking responsibility for this balls-up? I mean tens of thousands of lost bags, cancelled flights, people stranded, wrecked holidays, UK looking like an island of complete tossers who couldn't organise a drinks party in a brewery; who's paying for it? I'm not just talking about money. Is someone's head on the block? It should be. Shares must have dropped through the floor. Shareholders should be shouting for blood.

I want to go to W H Smiths tonight and get the March edition of Everyday Practical Electronics magazine. It's the only place I know that stocks it and they shut at 5.30. Why does everything shut the moment I leave the office? It makes me so mad. I'll probably have to rush out tomorrow morning and get it before we drive to Devon.

I forgot to mention that I got another parking ticket. They must be doing a blitz in my street or something. I just left it outside the house for a few moments. What the hell am I supposed to do? I have a 2-year-old and about a tonne of groceries to unload. I've contested it anyway. I think I have a case. The ticket said it had been there 10 minutes and it hadn't. It also said my tax disk had expired, which is also untrue.


At 3:05 pm, Blogger Peter Phisher said...

Well, James Randi and Phil Plait will both be in London on the 17th at a pub in London, very near Conway Hall. You'll have to use google to find it though.


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