Monday, April 07, 2008

Global warming, my dimpled arse!

Snow in the middle of April - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? There was a solid two inches in our garden yesterday morning. Why is snow always measured in inches? Whatever, it has no business snowing at this time of year. Global warming, my dimpled arse! Dumpy the Dwarf looked out of the window and rushed to tell his mummy that the garden was full of bubbles. It looked like his bath you see. He spent some happy time after breakfast kicking the snow about and screaming with glee.

We went to lunch with friends in Reading on Saturday at Sweeney and Todd's pie shop. The Philosophy Punk appears to require more information about the establishment. It is, I believe, something of an institution amongst the student set in Reading. They serve a wide range of meat and vegetable pies, baked on the premises. I can confirm that they are very good. I had a lamb and mint pie myself. The Dragon went for a chicken and mustard pie which she shared with Dumpy. He wasn't keen, but I suspect that may have been because there were other children to play with and things going on. It was a fine lunch anyway.

Old Uni chum Ogle is off to start a new life in Canada this month, and it was his leaving bash. He's an odd sort of chap, but we do love him, as we love all our old uni chums.

They closed the motorway which affected our journey home. Somehow a lorry managed to turn over and the police closed all the westbound slip roads for hours. We saw the lorry as we travelled east around 11.30, and hoped that it would be gone by the time we returned around 3.30. It wasn't, so we stopped for coffee and planned a new route. By the time we finished coffee however, they had reopened the road and we got home the way we originally planned.

Yesterday I was planning to finish the few remaining kitchen jobs. Unfortunately the snow and a few other things meant that I didn't start as early as planned. I haven't actually done anything to the kitchen for months. I got to the point where it became functional, and stopped. However. I still need to put some coving up over the wall units, block in the extractor pipe, and add a baton underneath the wall units. Then I can get someone round to tile the place. Yesterday I repositioned the cooker, added a little cupboard door to the void beneath it, and bolted the end of the working surface finally into place. It's been held up with a makeshift piece of timber resting on the washing machine for some weeks.

Next week I think we will plan a trip to Devon and I will see if I can borrow my father's old circular saw and tenon saw set to finish the job off the following week.

I finished the Kite Runner. I recognise the quality, but I can't say I really liked it. It's just not my type of thing. There was a twist at the end that drew me closer to the central character, but I never really identified with him. I'll give it a solid 8/10 for style and quality. I have to mark it down for content.

Wasn't the Olympic torch parade through London a complete debacle? I sympathise with the Tibet protesters, and personally I'd love to see some pro Taiwan independence protesters as well. The British government will be quick to stamp out anti China protests of course, because they don't want to give China a reason to boycott the 2012 games in London. The torch moves to France next I think. I half hope that the French do an equally good job of drawing attention to the Tibet situation. The French are good at protesting.


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