Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Working in my pyjamas

I have a headache. And my neck is stiff. I think the two are connected. I mean, I know my head is connected to my neck. I'm suggesting that the headache is connected to the stiff neck, obviously.

The Sun has a big story on the front page this morning suggesting that Pete Doherty is using heroin in prison. And there is a massive front page picture of Doherty in his cell. Where the hell do they get pictures of people in prison, and how the hell do they know he is using drugs? It's clearly either down to the ingenuity of Sun reporters, or a sign that Wormwood Scrubs security is in urgent need of review.

I don't want anyone to think that I read the Sun by the way. I have never, and will never, buy that ghastly paper. I do read the headlines on the news stand at the station most mornings, and I do read the Sun web page, because they always show the uncensored pictures of celebrities with bosoms falling out, flashing underwear etc. As opposed to the Telegraph or the Guardian, which are much better papers, but invariably consider this type of picture to be unsuitable for their target audience. I must be some kind of hybrid.

David Walliams has written a children's book about a boy who likes to wear dresses. I don't know what to think really. It's illustrated by Quentin Blake. I'd like to see the pictures. I'm not sure children should be allowed to cross lines drawn by society until they are in possession of all the facts.

My manager says I can swap my computer for a laptop - hooray, Working from home in my pyjamas.

I have a tooth problem. I have to go to the dentist next week. Apparently he's going to remove a "substantial existing filling" to see what's under it. I'm hoping he's going to suggest a gold crown. That would be cool wouldn't it. I have dental cover. I'm not scared. Maybe the tooth problem is why my head aches.

Did you see "Chinese School" on BBC4 last night? That Chairman Mao eh - what a bastard! He closed all the schools in China for three years in an effort to end the elite class education system. Even when the schools reopened they weren't allowed to use exams to test the children. Still the children are taught to worship the memory of the man and pledge allegiance to the communist party from the age of about six.


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