Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Last night I think I dreamt that I couldn't sleep. I don't know if it was a dream though. I dream so rarely, I can't be sure. I'm a walking paradox. I'm back at work. Things still ache, but I'm off the critical list.

I'm interested in the note I got from Yah. He says home electrical installations are covered if you get a permit for each job. Well, in California that may be the case. I assume that you are in California because that's what the location tag says. In Britain the regulations are complex. I can't claim that I am familiar with them, but I know you can't get a permit to do the work. I think anyone can do the work, but some things are supposed to be inspected by a qualified person after installation. However, I've owned 2 houses in Britain, and rented a further two, and I have never seen a certificate for any electrical work as far as I remember. I know my father has done electrical work and sold the house afterwards with no inspection.

It's odd isn't it; if you sell a car, it can be in any condition. It doesn't have to have passed an MOT test, it could have bald tyres, the lights don't have to work. You can sell a complete death trap quite legally. It's up to the buyer to uncover any problems, and if he does find a problem after he's bought it, the seller isn't responsible. Why is a house different? We have these compulsory HIP things now. It's another piece of bureaucracy dreamt up by this government to make selling a house more expensive. I think it is supposed to certificate the house for safety purposes. It seems pointless getting work certified if it has to be re-certified when you sell the place anyway.

Talking of the government, they seem to be in all sorts of trouble this week. The abolition of the 10p tax rate, which I admit was a complication, has caused all sorts of problems because it's essentially raised the tax bill for low earners. There is a rebellion forming in the Labour party on the issue. Gordon is really losing control of the ranks. Alastair Darling has ruled out reversing the decision to scrap the 10p rate, but keeps hinting at replacing it with something else. If he just said what that something else was, then perhaps the rebels would back down. As someone who desperately wants to see the Labour party ousted from power, I see the whole episode as a great spectator sport.

The election for the London Mayor takes place on 1st May. It would seem that Mad Boris and Red Ken are neck and neck. The BBC reported this morning that the two men were actually quite friendly with each other and it was odd to see them biting chunks out of each other on the stage, and then laughing together like old mates in the wings. I think they are both pretty genuine people actually. Ken is old school socialist and would never get my vote, Boris is hardcore Tory, and probably would.

My God I'm tired.

I must remember to get a new inner tube for Dumpy's pushchair tonight. I pumped up the tyres yesterday and one of them went down straight away. Poor Dumpy has to walk. He went swimming yesterday and apparently had a wonderful time. He went with his friend johnny. In fact, I'm going to buy two inner tubes, hang the expense.


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