Monday, April 21, 2008


I've taken a day off work because I feel grotty. Well, it's 3pm now, and I'm feeling better now, but I felt pretty rough all weekend. I'll just have to deal with the guilt of taking a sick day tomorrow. I've been aching all over, especially my neck and head. I've also had a fever. It's like flu without the snot. Anyway, I'm going to work tomorrow.

This weekend was put aside to complete the kitchen, and it was done. It's been nearly finished for weeks, but there have been silly little things that I just haven't got around to. So, I've done them. I put the little door on the cupboard under the oven. I attached the cornice to the top of the wall cabinets, and the coving to the bottom of them. I attached a baton under the cabinets to add some extra weight bearing facility, and I blocked in the extractor pipe outlet. All finished by Sunday morning.

Actually I would have finished on Saturday night had I not drilled through a cable and put out half the power in the house - doh! I can't believe I was that stupid. We ended up going out for dinner at Connie's because we had no power sockets in the kitchen and the place was a mess because I was unable to finish until I mended the power cable, and by then it was getting late anyway.

The only real problems were the fact that there was no heating that night, and Dumpy's night light wouldn't work because I killed all the power sockets in his room. Most other things outside the kitchen were still working, except the computer, I killed the sockets in there too. The hardware shop opened at 10 the following morning however. I nipped in, got myself a junction box, and all was back to normal again by 10.30.

I have no idea whether I am allowed to do home electrics, not being a qualified electrician. I'm working on the principle that no one can prove I did it. In this house I have also put in the electric shower, the cooker, and replaced the fuse box. I also plumbed in the kitchen sink, the washing machine, and the gas cooker. Some of that must be illegal.

We got around to watching Atonement yesterday afternoon. I quite enjoyed it, but the time line jumps about so much, it gets quite difficult to follow. And why was Keira Knightly not wearing underwear when she jumped in the fountain?

John Prescott has released his memoirs and revealed that he suffered from bulimia. My brother thought this was so hysterical that he called me to tell me about it. He's not really the sympathetic type my brother. It is slightly amusing however that someone so apparently well-fed, could have an eating disorder.

And I just want to make a comment about a new police initiative to crack down on dangerous driving. Have a look at this footage. There are six clips of people "driving dangerously". Only two of the clips actually appear to result in an accident, and in both cases the accident appears to have happened because the drivers have seen the police camera, panicked, and jumped on the brakes. Can we learn anything from this?


At 3:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keira Knightly was not wearing underwear when she jumped in the fountain because I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers right before she jumped in and chanted, "No panties, no panties, no panties." Apparently I have some sort of mental powers. Next stop! Bending spoons.


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