Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Here we go again

The bloody cannabis debate is raging again. Tony Blair started this row four years ago when he decided that pot wasn't dangerous enough to be a class-B substance, so he reclassified it as a class-C substance. In fact it had bugger all to do with the dangers of pot use. It was a tactical move. Pot is very common and police were finding it difficult to enforce the law when it was a class-B drug. That messed up Tony's crime figures. Making pot a class-C substance means possession is not usually an arrestable offence. You have to be carrying about about 2kg with intent to supply or something before they think of arresting you. In most cases, being caught with pot now just means it gets confiscated. The offence isn't recorded, and the crime figures look better.

Of course there was fallout from Blair's reclassification. Pot heads quickly realised that they weren't going to be arrested for smoking or carrying the stuff, so they dragged their pallid, emaciated carcasses out of their bedrooms and into the street. The ultimate result being, as I have mentioned so many times, that I can't walk across the bloody shopping centre with my son any more, without tripping over these worthless, corpse-like, individuals, huddled in doorways because their eyes are unaccustomed to the bright sunlight, emitting clouds of acrid blue smoke,.

Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, I care not one tinker's cuss whether pot is dangerous or not. I don't use it, and I believe your lifestyle choices are none of my business, until they conflict with my own of course. I am therefore quite happy for you to smoke the foul stuff if that's what stokes your boiler. Furthermore, if a few of you lose touch with reality and start barking at pigeons as a result, that's your problem, and indeed, your medical bill. The only thing I care about is the influence you have on my son. It's not down to how dangerous it is. It's entirely down to how antisocial it is.

So, why is the debate back in the news? I'll tell you. The PM, who swears blind he has never smoked pot, and the whore running the Home Office, who admitted she has, intend to reclassify cannabis again and return it to class-B status. The problem is, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), wants to keep it classified as a class-C substance because it's not as dangerous as other class-B substances like amphetamines and barbiturates. Well that makes sense. I'm guessing that also means heroine should be downgraded to a class-B drug because it's not as dangerous as other class-A drugs like crack cocaine.

The government is entitled to overrule the proposals of the ACMD, but the ACMD must be consulted before a decision is made. The ACMD is jolly upset however, because although they were consulted, and subsequently ignored, the PM and the Home Secretary both made their feelings very clear well before the consultation. This makes me wonder whether the comments of the PM and the Home Secretary actually influenced the ACMD proposals. Apparently eight of them have resigned.

The important point here is actually the fact that the ACMD are required to investigate only the medical consequences of drug use, not the social aspect. They concluded, rightly or wrongly, that cannabis is not particularly dangerous. The fact that it is used in public by sick looking pond-slime who can't string five coherent words together, is not something they feel is in their remit.

The really odd thing to come out of this is the fact that, probably for the first time in my life, I'm in agreement with Gordon Brown and Jaqui Smith. I shouldn't be so surprised really, since the Conservatives also seem to want reclassification to class-B. The Lib Dems as usual have declined to make a decision and claim only that the government needs to be more open with the expert advice it receives. Shit or get off the lavatory boys.

Anyway, that's quite enough from me today.


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