Kites and Horses
I don't feel well again. The little guy gave me his cold and it just won't go. I'm typing this at work and I feel hot and feverish. Germs, the worst thing about having small children around the house, that and the fact that every time you pick something up it plays Brahms lullaby at you - bah humbug.
I nearly lost the little chap the other day. It was so stupid. We were in the supermarket buying fish. The dragon says to me, "I have to get some basil. Come and meet me over there when you're done". So off she goes and I think she's taken Dumpy and the trolley with her. I pick up the fish and amble off to fruit and veg, where I find my wife and no child or trolley. There was that moment of realisation where we looked at each other before swearing and running back to the fish counter. No words were necessary between us.
The little chap was quite happy, sitting there in the trolley. He was shouting, "Mummy, mummy", but not in any state of panic. The fish counter lady thought it was hysterical and said she was going to charge us a babysitting fee.
I think it may be genetic actually. When I was a child my parents actually left me in the garden and drove off to visit their parents. Apparently they loaded the car with all my baby stuff and got several miles before they realised they had forgotten me. Outrageous really, I should have called child line.
We went up to White Horse Hill this weekend to do some kite flying.

I have a really groovy helicopter kite, but it needs a typhoon to fly it. It only half worked this weekend. I sent up the turtle kite, which is much better for light winds.

It wasn't ideal kite flying weather though, very gusty. Dumpy has no idea how to fly kites. He lets go of the string because it's fun to watch Daddy charge across ancient chalk monuments after a runaway kite.

We are talking about converting the attic into a spare bedroom. Have I mentioned this already? Well I'm telling you again anyway. I called a builder guy last week and arranged for him to come round on Thursday, but he didn't show up, so I called him again, and he said he thought it was Friday he was coming, but he didn't come on Friday either. So, if you're looking for a builder in Swindon, I suggest you don't use E M Construction, because the guy is completely unreliable.
I've called someone else now. He's coming tonight, so I have to get my dimpled arse home before 6. I hate working for a living. There is a watermill for sale near my mother's home in North Devon. It's a wreck, but I want to buy it and restore it. The problem is, they want £300k for it, and it would need at least another £100K spent on it after that. Couple that with the fact that I'd have no income if I devoted my time to restoring a watermill, and you have a bill for half a million quid. Sad world we live in.
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