Friday, May 23, 2008

If I could do this with horses

Not only did I predict the turnout at the Crewe and Nantwich by-election yesterday to within 2%, I also predicted the Conservative share to be 44% (they achieved 49%, but I was pitching low to emulate a worst case scenario), and the Labour share to be 30% (dead-on balls accurate, but I thought I was being a little generous when I said it to be honest). I said the Conservatives could expect to win with a majority of more than 6,000, and they achieved a majority of 7,800. That would be about 600 more than Gwyneth Dunnwoody got at the same constituency in the last general election by the way. I'm thinking of turning professional.

Blimey, if I could do that with horse racing, I'd be able to retire tomorrow.

Long weekend approaches people. we're off to Devon tomorrow. I'm aiming for an early start. It won't happen, but the optimist in me keeps trying. I think we're going to come back Sunday and look for wall tiles for the kitchen. We can finally draw a line under that project then and start the next.

I thought the electric shower was dying last night. It suddenly decided to adjust the water temperature without warning mid-stream. Last time it did that was about ten years ago. Eventually it stopped doing it in favour of just providing cold water. I had to replace it. In fact this time it looks like the sprinkler thing just needed cleaning. It's working again now, fingers crossed.

It's the Eurovision Song Contest tomorrow. Britain has truly the most awful song in living memory. It's sung by a bald guy. I don't know his name. I watched the show where his song won. He came first and the song by Michelle Gayle came second. I quite liked the Michelle Gayle song. I'm going to make another prediction. Britain will come in the bottom three.


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