Looking like a go situation
It's 10 am and Dumpy was drinking milk when I left. I assume that since I have not heard from the dragon, that there have been no incidents. He drank quite a bit of milk yesterday and threw up only once, so I think we can assume things aren't too bad. He woke up about 100 times during the night, but I think we can put that down to a blocked nose. We noticed two new little teeth emerging yesterday which can also cause a lot of these symptoms. I think we're fit to go. I'll call the dragon in a while and get an update.
I really wanted to get a picture of Dumpy in his magic pop-up bed yesterday, but it wasn't to be. I hope we can get a picture at some point, because it's worth a look. The dragon has actually packed it already. I have a suspicion that it may get unpacked again today. She loves packing. I find that very strange, but she does.
I had something of a dilemma this morning. My train season ticket expired yesterday and it was not worth buying a new one just for today. So, what to do? I toyed with the idea of attempting to travel using the expired season ticket, knowing as I do that the newly installed barriers actually admit passengers with invalid tickets. Unfortunately, the gestapo are still on duty at the Didcot station because they don't have barriers. So, eventually I resolved to buy a ticket, because I am a coward and I'm not that poor, but attempt to travel using only the expired season ticket anyway.
Getting into the station was easy. I used an old ticket to get past the barriers and it worked as I knew it would. The three monkeys guarding the barriers ignored me. There was no inspector on the train. I used social engineering and misdirection at Didcot to get past the three monkeys at the door. In fact I showed them an old ticket and rushed past them in pursuit of an imaginary bus. So far so good. I have to get back however. Getting back is usually easier as there are no guard monkeys. I'll keep you posted.
A school in Kenya has sent home 20 boys and told them not to return until they have been circumcised. The report doesn't give too many details, but the suggestion is that circumcision is considered necessary in the fight against AIDS. I'm not going to make a comment on that. What bothers me here is, how did they discover that the boys were not circumcised? Was there some penis inspection or something?
Mayor Ma has resigned as leader of the Kuomintang party in Taiwan amid accusations of corruption. He claims he is innocent, but Taiwanese politics looks really dirty at the moment. This is not a good thing for a country trying to prove that it doesn't need China overseeing it.
Robert Kilroy-Silk is clearly losing his marbles. I've said this before within these pages, but this time he really has set off towards the Twilight Zone. He's a Euro Politician and is now launching an offensive against Marks and Spencer because he believes they use distorting mirrors in their changing rooms which make women look slimmer. This apparently encourages them to buy more M and S clothes. What happened to the guy? He used to be a run of the mill socialist. I didn't like him, always thought he was a slime ball, but there was nothing weird about him. Over the last 15 years or so he has moved from run of the mill socialist, to extreme right wing nutter, and now he's neck and neck with Idi Armin for the Most Influential Nutter award.
Here is another of my predictions: he's going to be diagnosed with a syphilitic condition that is rotting his brain. Idi Armin is said to have suffered from this affliction also. As soon as Kilroy-Silk awards himself the VC, makes himself King of Scotland, and writes a letter to the queen beginning, "Dear Liz", it's confirmed as far as I am concerned.
Just had another report from the dragon. Dumpy has had a lunch of rice and vegetables and kept it all down. Seems like things are going well. Fingers crossed everyone.
Dumpy managed to go a whole day without throwing up and I managed to get to work and back without using the train ticket I bought. So that was a waste of £13.