Shooting Star
Well it's about time I wrote an entry. We've been back in UK for 2 weeks now and things are fine, in case you were wondering. We've actually got the 170kg box that we air freighted from Taiwan, which means I have the PC back. Unfortunately it doesn't work. I can only assume that the motherboard was fried by x-ray machines. I'm going to take it into Barnestaple next week to get the little man there to bung in a replacement. It's an inconvenience, but it needed upgrading anyway and it won't be expensive. Meanwhile I can use this one which is fine except for the fact that it has a dial up connection which sucks seriously. However, needs must when the devil vomits in your kettle.
Here's something that will surprise you; I went to church on Christmas eve. More acurately I was kind of dragged there. The dragon wanted to know how it works, so we went. My parents were going anyway. I don't think I would have taken here on my own. My views haven't changed, and I didn't take communion. The service finished around 11.30 I should think, and we emerged from the church into darkness. It really is in the middle of nowhere and they haven't invented invented street lighting here yet which meant we had a fine view of the stars. And as we looked up at the starry sky, we saw a shooting star. Less skeptical people would take this as a sign from God, but I didn't.
Christmas itself was good. It was the first Christmas in 5 years that I have spent with my family. My brother showed up, and we even invited a Taiwanese friend who is here studying. Much booty was beneath the tree. Too much was eaten and drunk. Good time was had by all.
On the down side, I haven't got a job yet, but I haven't really been looking since we got here. I'll start 2006 with that as an early resolution. We haven't moved back inmto my (our) home yet as it still contains the lodgers. We didn't want to kick them out over Christmas. We can take possession again from 15th. So far the most frustrating thing has been trying to get a bank account for the Dragon. This seeminly simple task has been made almost impossible by Nat West who seem to think that my wife could be a terrorist money launderer. They believe who she is, but, because she has neveer lived in this country before, we cannot provide any documentary evidence of her address. Apparently I am not able to even give her access to my existing accounts dfespite the fact that I have been a customer for 20 years and she is my wife. IU can of course prove that we are married, though this won't do apparently. I'm making an official complaint and I will let you all know how this goes.
I've sorted out new mobile phones, so when you Skype me or call my London Skype-In number you will be put through to the cell phone. Drop me an e-mail if you want the mobile number.
We've registered with the doctors here and are now almost ready to have Goblin junior. We apparently have to have a lot of the tests again because British doctors aren't prepared to accept the tests we had from the Taiwanese ones, can't blame them for that. Seems as though everything is going to plan anyway. Estimated time of arrival, 3 April 2006.
I see from this week's Telegraph newspaper (something I have really missed) that police now have the power to arrest us for anything. That includes littering, broken brake light, parkign offenses etc. Apart from the fact that giving an already inept police force even more power is a ridiculous idea, I'd like to know why there was nno debate about this.
Finally, it's New Year's Eve. We've been invited to a bash in Swindon, but we're not planning on going because it's 2 hours away, so we are going to have a family new year celebration here in Devon. I'd like to wish everyone who notes here a Happy New Year however. Don't drink and drive tonight, make some worthwhile resolutions people and try to keep them. 2006 is going to be a life changing year for me in many ways. I'm looking forward to it. Hope you guys all have Exciting New Years too.
I don't know when the next update will be, but I will try and keep[ this page going. You know, I think this is the first entry in almost 4 years that came from this side of the world.