29 Jan
I forgot to make a sandwich last night, so I have no lunch today - doh! Well I can go and buy something. So that was a bad start to the day. I did however receive a new laptop battery today, which is obviously a good thing. Generally though I feel a bit down because it's cold and wet, and my favourite people are 6,000 miles away. Still 2 weeks and one day until I can see them again.
This weekend I'm going to see mother in Devon. I've bought a cheap web cam so we can call the Dragon and the boy. I did a quick test of the new cam last night. The bloody thing won't plug and play, how medieval is that? It also managed to conflict with my existing cam, so I got riled with that last night. It did work eventually however. I realised that I also need to get a microphone too.
Seems to be a very slow news day. I don't feel I want to comment on anything.
My train season ticket expires at the end of this month and I can't decide what to do. It's not worth buying another monthly one as I am going to be abroad for the last two weeks of February. I could buy two weekly season tickets, but that's a more expensive way to buy them. Since fuel is relatively cheap at the moment, I think I might drive for a couple of weeks. I have to drive on Friday 13th anyway, because I am going straight to the airport after work. Hmm, I think I'll drive.
I keep reading about this amazingly hilarious complaint letter sent to Virgin Atlantic. It was all over the news yesterday. Apparently Richard Branson himself got involved and called the letter writer personally. I don't want to take anything away from the guy, and the letter was pretty good, but you know, I've seen much better complaint letters. In fact, I've written better complaint letters come to think of it. I think the one I sent to First Great Western 100 times was one of my favourites. It pointed out that since it was as freepost address. they had to pay postage, and the cost of receiving 100 letters from me was actually considerably greater than the cost of compensating me as I originally requested. The Virgin complainer didn't even have very much to complain about. He was flying economy on a budget air line. He's food didn't look any worse than a lot of in flight meals I've had.
I was propositioned by a prostitute last night. I say I was propositioned, but in fact, she just gave me a "how about it" look as I waited in a queue of traffic on County Road. I hadn't realised the ladies of the night used that particular road, though it is adjacent to a well known red-light area. Why do they call it that, I've never seen any red lights there. Anyway, I gave the young lady a smile, but declined her kind offer. I was heading towards B and Q to get some brass screws for the bathroom project. The traffic was so slow that I gave up and went to Homebase instead.
30 Jan
Snow is apparently forecast for next week - oh good! My train ticket dilemma has been partly solved friend Dickie invited to dinner with him one evening next week in London, and I'm not driving into the centre of the city after work, so I'll get the train, and if I get a weekly season ticket for next week, it will take me nearly all the way there anyway. So I'll drive the following week.
I see Tony Blair is suddenly expressing some remorse and doubt about his decision to go to war in Iraq. Strikes me as odd that he didn't make any of those doubts public while he was PM. This couldn't be anything to do with laying foundations for a campaign to run for European President could it? The man is so corrupt, he wouldn't know honourable if it got up and kissed him.
Apparently naked hiking has taken off in Switzerland and the authorities are keen to stop the practice. I can't see why, seems like a splendid way to spend a few hours to me.
Here's a YouTube video I like.