Thursday, September 25, 2008

Marxist Nutter

The Arch Bishop of Canterbury and the Arch Bishop of York have both decided to make comments on the behaviour of city traders in recent weeks. Dear Old Rowan Williams, surely becoming more of an advert for atheism every day, even goes as far as to defend Marxist philosophy in his Spectator piece. See, this is one area where the Americans have it right. They don't mix church and state. Well they do, but they're not supposed to. How can anyone come to objective conclusions when they are blinded by their faith? Outrageous, I bet they didn't even know what short selling was until they saw it explained on the BBC News.

Today that cow from the Home Office has announced that biometric ID cards are to be rolled out to foreign nationals (my wife) from November. As usual the rules are unbelievably vague and I have no idea whether the Dragon will be affected. It seems that foreigners will be told that they are required to have a card when they apply to extend their stay. The Dragon already has "permanent leave to remain" or something, which means she doesn't need to apply to extend her stay. She will however be able to apply for a British passport in December. I have no idea whether that means she will need a card or not. Oh how I hate the Home Office.

The Labour party have bounced up in the latest YouGov poll and they now trail the Conservatives by only 10 points. That's a big jump from the 20 points of last week, but even the Pinko Commy Subversive Guardian rag seems to suggest that it's only a temporary blip. In fact the Conservatives have dropped only three points, and the the Lib Dems four. Some 1,500 people were polled immediately after Brown's speech at the Manchester conference. Since then the Ruth Kelly resignation has been threatening to restart the internal fighting. I still can't help thinking there is something very odd about that. I wonder if something is due to climb out of the woodwork.

And on to answering a couple of notes:

Yes, Mr Punk, J K Rowling is clearly mad as a shit house rat. This often happens to people with more money than they can possibly ever spend. I think you can generally split Britain down left/right, socialist/capitalist lines. The left vote for the Labour party and the right vote for the Conservatives, but Tony Blair screwed it all up by leading the Labour party with a right-wing philosophy. At least that's what it seemed like until it became obvious he was your standard Labour tax and spend monkey in a dress. Public spending has doubled to £300 billion since the Labour party came to power. And of course tax burdens have increased to pay for it. Are public services better? Nope!

I don't align myself with any party. I always vote for the party most likely to beat the Labour party. That is almost always the conservatives.

Lambeth said something I didn't understand about pokers. I'll contact you privately on that one.

Abby it appears to be a fiscal conservative. That must be American parlance for anti-tax-and-spend-monkey. So, we agree on something there Abby.

And jinxkytn, you appear to be reaching the same conclusion as me regarding David Blaine. What's he smoking?


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