Love Bombs
I want to mention something before I start rambling. I predicted 13 weeks ago that Mikey would win the current series of Big Brother. That was the day the series started. I can't claim I was bang on the money this time, but he did come second, and the vote between the final two contestants was very close. I think there was only 2% in it. So I think I do better than Sylvia Browne. This last series of BB has had the lowest ever viewing figures for the British version. I didn't watch any. It's time to dump it.
I think I have an eye infection. My eyes are dry and sore. Oh well, maybe I can get a day off work.
Here are some pictures:

Throwing stones into Lake Windermere.

Beautiful isn't it?

That's us waiting for our Jazz boat.

Ah, there it is.
I see we are still here after the Large Hadon Collider was switched on in Switzerland this morning. That's good. I hope they make some world changing discoveries about the origin of the universe and I don't have to go to work any more. Prof Hawkins says that they are unlikely to find a Higgs Boson particle. I don't know why that is important. I also read this morning that some scientists agree that micro black holes will be created, but that Hawking radiation will evaporate them. This bothers me slightly because Hawking radiation is a disputed theory. I did notice that yesterday a lot of the academic physicists from my office were "working from home". I was slightly worried that they all knew something I didn't and were holed up in some bunker somewhere under a Welsh mountain. There seems to be a few of them around this morning though. I think that's a good sign.
As far as I can tell, this machine accelerates two streams of protons around a ring 17 miles in circumference until they are close to the speed of light, and then crashes them into each other to see what happens. I have a couple of questions. Why does this replicate conditions immediately after the big bang? How do you generate a stream of protons? I asked one of the PhD dudes in the office how to create a stream of photons. I didn't understand the answer, but it had something to do with throwing red and blue marbles on the floor.
So, is Kim Jong Il ill, or dead? He wasn't at North Korea's birthday party. He hasn't been seen in public for a month. No one seems to be able to get any information. Speculation is rife. There is no obvious nutter-in-waiting to take over from Kim if he has snuffed it. The Telegraph is speculating that he may have been imprisoned by the military or even assassinated. It's even possible apparently that Kim was never the real leader, only a puppet of the military. If he's vanished the military could take over the country. I bet the suspended nuclear programme would start agian if that happened, the military love bombs.
I have more pictures, tomorrow if you're lucky.
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