Friday, August 22, 2008

Home Office Loses Memory

There was no one on the train this morning. I think everyone took Friday off because Monday is a holiday. I on the other hand took all next week off, and the following week. We were planning on a trip up north, but it's looking less probable now since my sister in law is not well and looking like she is not going to arrive until 29th

Gary Glitter update - He's landed in London and been told to sign the sex offenders' register for the second time in his life. I've been thinking about this. The guy hasn't been charged or convicted in Britain. Where does the legal requirement for him to sign the sex offenders' register come from? Actually he was convicted in Britain on child porn charges 10 years ago, but that isn't why he has been told to sign the register this time.

He's now apparently looking for a place to live in the west country. That's slightly worrying because I live on the edge of the west country and my mother lives deep deep in the west country. Apparently he has a son called Paul Gadd who lives in a remote village in Devon, but he has disowned his father and now denies being related to him.

Gordon Brown has heralded the success of British athletes at the Olympics. See, what did I tell you, he's trying to convert Olympic success into a poll bounce. It's not going to happen, watch the numbers. We now have 18 gold medals, still in third place, two ahead of the peskie Russians. Better than that, we have a total of 42 medals which means we've reached our target and passed it in fact.

The Home Office seems to have lost a memory stick containing confidential data concerning 130,000 criminals. It's beginning to look like carelessness now isn't it. The opposition parties have been shouting abuse at them. How that vile Smith cow keeps her job is beyond me.


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