Monday, August 18, 2008

Doing Well

Seems that the British are doing supremely well in the Olympic medal race. As I write this I see we are in 4th place behind Australia, US, and China. I guess we are on target for our 41 medals after winning 25 in the first week. It is nice to see us doing well I suppose. I'm not a sport addict though. The boy seems to like watching sport on tv, which I find somehow disturbing. He particularly likes motor racing.

The emergency services were called to a house fire in Swindon on Friday. Not a great story as it stands, but it turns out that the building was being used as a cannabis farm and the fire was caused by dodgy wiring driving the hydroponics system. It would appear that most of the building was destroyed and the police confiscated 300 plants. Good, let's hope that pushes up the price of pot on the streets and gets the scum bag farmers thrown in jail. More likely they'll just be given a police caution and a government grant to start a brothel or something, but I live in hope.

I was most flattered by Mr Punk's comment that I should be writing a Newspaper column. Believe me Mr P, if someone paid me for writing a weekly column I'd be doing it, hell I'd do it free if I liked the paper. Talking of which, I don't like the Guardian much, nasty pinko commy subversives, but I do like the Charlie Brooker column. You should read that.

A guy called Philip Thompson has been jailed for his part in running an on line paedophile ring. It would appear that the guy was raided by police, and over 240,000 images were found in his possession. He has been described as the organisation's "librarian". He wasn't being paid for the job. It was his hobby apparently. He was also convicted of "causing children under 13 to engage in sexual activity". It's an odd case. The guy was seemingly part of the distribution network for the organisation, and that has to be a hugely risky role. He has been described as extremely intelligent however. Doesn't sound very bright to me. The strangest part is the fact that this guy lived with his mother and was at first glance entirely respectable. Odd, very odd.

Actually, if you read the Telegraph version of the same story, the guy doesn't appear to be a big wheel in the organisation at all. He was simply a forum moderator. As moderator he was able to filter out the images and videos that were illegal and keep them for himself. He would later use them to trade for more images. He was a simple porn collector and trader. I can't see why the BBC report suggests he is a techie either. Any clown can moderate a forum and swipe pictures posted by other users.

The environment minister, Phil Woolas (no I've never heard of him either), has challenged Ponce Charles to back up his claims that GM crops are going to cause an environmental disaster of catastrophic proportions. Can't wait to see how HRH is going to reply. My hunch is that he will point vaguely into the distance and claim that anyone who can't see it happening before their very eyes is a fool. Either that or the challenge will be met with an eerie silence.


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