Monday, September 22, 2008

Red Handed

I've done hardly any writing lately. I start to feel ill if I go too many days without typing something. It doesn't have t be posted anywhere, but it does have to be typed.

Nothing of any real consequence has happened over the weekend. The Labour Party conference has opened. Gordon Brown has made an opening speech. He's not under quite so much fire now as he was last week, probably due to the fact that the assassins are not willing to fling mud during the conference week. Brown was interviewed by Andrew Marr on Saturday and he (Brown) came across as relaxed and ready to get on with things. I really don't like Andrew Marr, nasty, toady Blairite. I do like Nick Robinson, though I do wish he could bring himself to wear a tie. Anyway, Robinson wrote a piece on his politics blog pointing out that Brown appears to be getting more relaxed the worse the economy gets. The knives are still out anyway. Could be an interesting week.

An inquest into the death of John Charles DeMenezes is to open in London today and Met police chief Sir Ian Blair is likely to come under fire - good. Nasty scum bag should have been kicked out as soon as the incident happened. The only good thing about Ian Blair is that he's not Sir John Stevens, scum bag an liar.

For the first time ever we left the boy alone at a crèche and went off shopping yesterday. Now I thought there would be tears and demonstrations, but there was none. He was very happy playing with the cars and the other toys. In fact, when we came to collect him, he tried to climb back in through the bars in the security gate. Quite hurtful really.

I get really annoyed when I read about celebrities who get caught red-handed with drugs, and then never seem to get prosecuted. Have I done this rant already? Today it is reported that George Michael was found in a public lavatory in possession of class A and Class C drugs. It's not the first time. He's been picked up before, bombed out behind the wheel of his car if I remember correctly. But he has never been charged with anything as far as I remember.

Why is the law not being enforced? It's not an isolated case. Kate Moss has been videoed taking cocaine, Peaches Geldof has been caught buying drugs, the Tetra Pak guy and his wife were found in possession of crack. What do you have to do to get charged with drug possession?


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