Monday, October 13, 2008

Scratching his arse

Gordon Brown visited Swindon on 10 Oct and spoke of tough times ahead.

Speaking in Paris this weekend, Gordon said he believes confidence in the banking system will be restored by global action "in the next few days". And the King of the pixies will dance in the garden of eternal sunshine.

OK, I made up the thing about the King of the pixies, but the man clearly doesn't know if he's winding his arse or scratching his watch does he?

Somehow I just didn't get around to writing here last week. I think the problem was the fact that there was so much political stuff going on that I was in danger of simply writing a series of rants, so I wrote nothing instead. It has been suggested that the current economic crisis has given Gordon Brown a popularity boost, much like the Falklands war did for Mrs Thatcher. I think the general feeling is that the PM is benefiting, but the government is not. And, as Nick Robinson pointed out, guiding us successfully through a conflict is not the same as damage limitation in an economic crisis. Gordon does however appear to be enjoying himself.

There will be a by election in Glenrothes on 6 Nov. The Conservatives don't have a chance of winning, but the Scottish Nationalists are expected to do well. It's considered a Labour safe seat. If Labour loses, it would be a major blow to the government.

Other political stuff that has happened sinc I last wrote:

Tony Blair, the corrupt liar that left office a year ago, has been caught with his hand in the sweety jar again. It seems he lied about his involvement with the Formula 1 exemption from tobacco advertising ban.

It has emerged that corrupt scum bag Peter Mandleson is receiving a six-figure sum for giving up his job as EU commissioner!? That's in addition to his six-figure salary as an unelected cabinet minster. And of course, his four years of hard work in Europe also entitles his to a pension. Oh, and he gets preferential tax rates because he wa a Euro minister?! You couldn't make that up, it's too ridiculous.

The 42-day detention plan goes to the House of Lords today, and it's going to be thrown out - Hurrah! There was talk of Brown trying to lever it in through the back door using the Parliament Act, but it aint going to happen people, trust me, it's dead.


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