Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I Hope it Hurts

China is terribly upset with the US and has cancelled "military and diplomatic exchanges", due to an arms deal with Taiwan. The US is Taiwan's biggest arms supplier, and China doesn't like it at all.

It emerged yesterday that Perter Mandleson has had a clandestine meeting with shadow chancellor George Osbourne on a Greek island. If reports are to be believed, he was jolly rude about his new Boss Gordon Brown. See, he's only been in the job two days and he's already causing trouble. Oh and he has kidney stones apparently. I hope they hurt.

Bank shares have taken a huge dive this morning after it emerged that Alistair Darling had been meeting with bank bosses to discuss fund raising. Well that was a roaring success then. Royal Bank of Scotland seems to have fallen over 30%.

Did you see the ex-Lehmans boss being quizzed yesterday by Congress yesterday? He told us how sorry he was and how he couldn't sleep at night, and how he had no intention of giving back the half billion dollars he was paid in the 12 months up to the point where he sank the company and everyone's savings. My heart bleeds for him. I wish I was that unlucky.

The hot news at the moment however is that the UK government is about to make a statement outlining a financial rescue plan. The figure being thrown about is £50 billion. The big question being of course, where is the money coming from? More news about that tomorrow. I feel a rant coming on.


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