Thursday, October 02, 2008

Jack the Ripper

The boy went for his first music lesson today. It's a toddlers sing and play club or something. I've not spoken to him, but I've had a telephone report from Mummy. Apparently he cried when they sang the goodbye song because he didn't want to go. I guess that means he liked it. That's good because Daddy shelled out £40 for 10 classes and I don't suppose it's refundable.

The Sun is reporting today that Gary Glitter has been thrown out of his new Mayfair home by his landlord because other tenants don't like living next to a paedophile. You can't always believe what is written in the Sun of course. Yesterday they reported that MP Limpit Opek was going to appear in the next series of Celebrity Big Brother. That turned out to be tripe. Wonder where Mr Glitter is going to go now then. He's been banned from leaving the country.

I found out fairly recently that someone I used to work quite closely with is a convicted paedophile. He was busted by Operation Ore. I used to sit opposite him when I worked for the World's No. 1 Building Society. Turns out he had a hoard of thousands of dodgy pictures. He never went to jail. I think he got a suspended sentence. He left that foul office about six months before I did. He was a bit weird, but I quite liked him. Never would have thought he was downloading kiddie pics. Which just goes to show you, or something.

David Cameron made his Conference speech yesterday. It was without substance. The guy is obviously playing it safe. I can't decide whether it is a wise move or not. He can't be accused of delivering a negative or aggressive speech, but he is being criticised again for not making pledges or outlining firm policy.

It looks very much like Met Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair is to step down. I have no idea how the clown has managed to stay in the job so long. As I write this the BBC is reporting that a statement is to be made later today, though it only hints at what that statement may be. The Telegraph is already forecasting Sir Ian's resignation as is the Guardian. There is currently an investigation in progress into the bungled shooting of the wrong man at Stockwell tube station, which Blair has already been heavily, and quite rightly in my view, criticised for.

I'm personally overjoyed to see the slimebag go (if indeed he is), but I am doubly happy because this will be yet another embarrassment for the Home Office. That cow Jacqui Smith did everything she could to prevent him being ousted, and it now looks very much like she has failed, good! Blair is also being investigated about dodgy contracts awarded by the Met to a company owned by a skiing friend of his.

And, a related interesting fact; it seems that no Commissioner has resigned the post since 1890, when James Munro stepped down after failing to catch Jack the Ripper.

More news about Ian Blair is seaping out as I type this. It would appear that Boris Johnson, Mayor of London is behind this. Mad Bad Boris has recently become chairman of the Metropolitan Police Association and he clearly doesn't like Sir Ian. Well, no one likes Sir Ian except that skiing buddy who received £3 million worth of contracts from the Met which Sir Ian assures us were entirely proper and above board. He has been threatening a vote of no confidence from the MPA. Actually only the cow in the Home Office is able to sack the guy, but a vote of no confidence from the MPA would force her hand.


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