Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brilliant Idea

28 Oct

According to the BBC, the cow in the Home Office is to announce, "Tougher measures to prevent extremists entering the UK". What a brilliant idea. Don't let known terrorists into the country. Why didn't we think of that sooner? Are we supposed to be impressed? Talk about bolting the stable door after your horse has left!

One other story which caught my eye this morning; the UN has generously allowed some countries in Africa to sell their ivory stocks. There are conditions of course. Money raised will have to be put towards elephant conservation projects (presumably because starving children are less important than bloody elephants), and the stockpile will be auctioned to buyers in China and Japan.

I'd like to make a few points here:

There are five permanent members of the UN Councils, most of which made themselves rich by exploiting Africa's natural resources at one time or another, you know, gold, diamonds, people, ivory.

China (a member of the UN permanent councils) stands to make a packet out of this deal of course.

Some conservationist groups are appalled because they say it will encourage illegal trade in ivory and poaching, though all the figures seem to suggest exactly the opposite.

The UN permanent councils have no African representation.

Just a little food for thought there.

29 Oct

Heard in the office today:

"Oh, Jack Straw, he was head of the Students Uniion when I was at Oxford. He was a prat then and nothing's changed. And Charles Clarke, jug-eared twat!"

I can't believe that the PM has waded into the row over the Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross phone prank. If you don't know what happened, click here. Hasn't Gordon got more important things to do? I say sack the pair of them because they are talentless prats. I've always thought Ross was a knobhead. I did think Brand was quite quick at one point, but since this debacle emerged he doesn't seem to have apologised or even made a sensible comment. It's not the first time he's performed irresponsible pranks and he'll almost certainly continue to do so given the chance.

Oh Stop Press, The BBC has suspended both of them and Brand has resigned. Actually he also apologised, but it was so late coming it looked as though he was made to do it.

Nothing else remotely interesting happened today


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