Wednesday, October 15, 2008


OK, I am so sick of the economy and politics. This is going to be a completely non-political entry.

This is a good story to start with. A 40-year-old woman from Stockton-on-Tees was convicted of having sex with a 14-year-old boy, but got away with a suspended sentence because the judge concluded that she was "seduced" by the boy.

Seduce - Lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct. (Word Web definition).

So that makes it OK? I mean, if a 40-year-old man was "lured or enticed" by a 14 year old girl, that would be a mitigating factor would it? I can't see that defence working particularly well for, oh I don't know, Gary Glitter for example.

On the other hand, this story seems to suggest that the best defence if you happen to be a 39-year-old man, caught red-handed, naked in bed with a 15-year-old schoolgirl, is to swear blind you weren't actually doing anything. The defining quote for me was, "A court heard Carter denied there was anything going on between them even though he had no clothes on".

I started this entry thinking I would be able to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that female paedophiles get treated more leniently than males, but I think I may have changed my mind on that one.

Moving on...

Apparently King Goodwill Zwelithini, of the Zulus is getting upset about western tourists taking pictures of "maidens' bottoms" at the annual reed dance. This of course requires some explanation. It would appear that the King chaoses his wives from among the virgin dancers that perform at the reed dance every year. Oh to be the Zulu king. What was I saying? Oh yeah, the virgins dance for the King every year wearing nothing but beads and short fringed skirts. Photography is supposed to be restricted, but apparently pervy Europeans are snapping away with gay abandon and the King is not pleased. So from now on the virgins are being urged to wear something to cover their bottoms.

Two things are worth mentioning here. First, although the King seems to object to the exhibitionist element of the ceremony, the ladies appear quite anxious to advertise the goods. "Zulu girls are said to be angry at being told to cover up because they are losing the chance to show off their virginity in the customary way". Does that sound backwards to anyone else? Second, it's nice to see that the Telegraph report is accompanied by a gratuitous close-up of a maiden's bottom.

I was quite taken with the headline Vicar sent a dead hedgehog to herself as part of a fake hate campaign, though the story itself is really not as great as you might imagine. It seems that Methodist minister, Rev Janet Magee, 62, attempt4ed to fit-up some of her church leadership colleagues after it emerged that not all of them wanted her to stay on in the post. She didn't do it very well (allegedly) however. After initially arresting the wrong guy and releasing him without charge, the police turned their investigation to the Rev Magee. The trial continues.


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