I just installed Office 2007. It looks pretty. Does it work? Only time will tell. I'll keep you posted.
I have notes to answer. Abbey, in the video, Mummy is saying something like, "How do we poo?" and the boy is saying, "Errrr, eerrrrrr, ba dung!" It's not really that complex. In answer to Mr Cat6's question, yes, he is being raised bilingual. Mummy is actually a very accomplished linguist. English is her fourth, yes fourth, language. All Taiwanese grow up speaking Chinese and Taiwanese to some level, she also speaks Hakkanese with her family. She always speaks Chinese to the boy, and I always speak English. She's hoping she can teach him Hakkanese too. Hakkanese is a dying language, spoken only by an Asian subculture. Not many people speak it now. He has a couple of words, he really needs to spend some time with his maternal grandfather to get that sorted out.
The PM has announced today that a 2p rise in fuel duty is to be postponed due to soaring oil prices. It has nothing to do with next week's by election of course.
More importantly, the Information Commissioner has said that Home Office plans to implement a database holding details of all telephone calls, emails, and browsing habits across the country are, "a step too far". The Home Office has been defending the plan of course. I hadn't realised it, but this particular assault on our liberty is yet another piece of flying shrapnel from Europe. Abandon Ship!
The government thinks the problem of knife crime in England can be solved by banning knives with pointed ends. Who voted for these pilocks?
I ate egg and cress sandwiches for lunch. We grew the cress ourselves, look"

My Mom spoke french, lebanese, english and a little turkish. I only speak english and a little spanish. I wish my Mom had chose to teach me when I was little. Apparently, she was worried about us becoming accented. Who knows.. It'll be good to be bilingual. I'm told that if you learn multiple languages early on it makes learning more, later, easier. I don't know if that's true, but seems like it couldn't hurt.JannyGirl
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