Thursday, June 26, 2008

Achieved the Impossible

Stuart Wheeler, spread betting millionaire, has failed to win a high court ruling that would legally force the government to hold a referendum on ratifying the EU Treaty. It was not entirely unexpected. He is however going to appeal, and I think the government is running scared. They appear to be desperately trying to ratify the damn treaty before Mr Wheeler gets his ruling. For ratification to be completed, the "instruments of ratification" must be deposited in Rome. This hasn't happened yet, but it is scheduled for next month. In fact, ratification cannot be completely completed until the Irish sort out their personal ratification issue. That doesn't appear to be close to resolution.

Judith Charmers, who has been presenting the holiday programme, "Wish you were here" since I was a child, says she has not worn any underwear for 30 years, even round the Balearics. Who'd have thought it?

Dumpy dropped a turd in the pot again this morning. He told his mummy he needed to, and clothing was removed in time to do the deed. Yeah, go Dumpy! I can see a point in the not so distant future where nappies become but a dim memory. Oh how I yearn for that day.

Bloody Harriet Harman is bleating about positive discrimination legislation again. According to the BBC, "The equalities minister said firms should be able to choose a woman over a man of equal ability if they want to." That statement strikes me as odd, since it would appear to imply that currently firms are not allowed to choose a woman over a man of equal ability if they want to. Moreover, she went on to explain that, "companies would not be forced to use positive discrimination", which makes me wonder exactly what the legislation does force companies to do.

The real problem I see with this legislation is that it simply can't be enforced. No two candidates are ever going to have exactly "equal abilities". It would be impossible to argue in court that they did. How can anyone possibly use this legislation to bring an action against anyone? It's facile. Of course, it will mean that white males with a legitimate discrimination complaint will find it harder to make their voices heard. Good work Harriet.

On a brighter note, I appear to have achieved the impossible. I have been awarded compensation by First Great Western because they are a completely rubbish train operator. They gave me a voucher for 12 English pounds that I may use to pay for my next ticket. I was thinking I might frame it and mount it on the wall. I claimed for compensation because last Tuesday I was unable to get a train due to catastrophic signal failure. The other people in my office that travel by train have not bothered to try and get compensation, so I have completed forms for them and distributed them for signing. I even wrote the envelopes for them. All they have to do is stick them down and put them in the posting box. See, how much money First Great Western could have saved by not pissing me off last year.

The Dragon accidentally entered Dumpy in a beautiful baby competition last week. She was just wandering through town, minding her own business when a photographer asked her if she wanted to enter him, so she did. He had his picture taken and it's going to appear in the paper next month. The readers are supposed to look at all the baby pictures in the paper and vote for their favourite one. The winner gets £200 or something. Three pictures were taken and the Dragon selected her favourite to go in the paper. She was then given the option to buy the prints for £50. That's how they make the money I guess. She bought them anyway. I haven't seen them yet. I don't suppose many people are going to vote for children they don't know in the paper. I'm guessing the winner will be the one with the pushiest mother who persuades the most people to vote for her little darling.

Today, nothing else happened. Oh, I did book a hotel in the Lake District for a couple of days. Dragon's sister is coming to visit. I'll scan the Dumpy pics and publish tomorrow.


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