Friday 13th, and I'm so happy I could pee
There is so much surprising good news today, I don't know where to start.
It might be Friday the 13th, but there is something very wonderful happening. The Irish are voting on the Lisbon Treaty. If they vote No, the treaty must be dumped. They are the only nation voting on the treaty, and they were expected to vote Yes. However, early indications show that in fact they are going to return a No vote. A No vote would mean that the treaty would not be ratified by the Irish. Since all nations have to ratify for the treaty to come into force, that would put Europe on very dodgy ground indeed.
It's very difficult to predict what the hell would happen if the Lisbon Treaty was dumped. Some would say that Europe, as it stands, is incapable of supporting the current member states. It's corrupt, drowning in bureaucracy, and desperately unpopular with the people. It needs to reform to survive, but it doesn't appear to be able to do so. My father, in typically cynical style, once told me that Europe would "drown in it's own juices". I think this could be his prediction coming true. How I wish he was still here to see it. I can't get too excited. The No vote hasn't come yet. So far early polls are suggesting that a No vote is coming, but the result won't be known for sure until this evening. I can't wait.
The media are really giving David Davis a hard time today after his shock move to resign as shadow Home Secretary yesterday. Much is being made of a split between Davis and Cameron, though that appears to me to be largely speculative. I'm sure Cameron is disappointed Davis chose to do this, but I don't think it's any more than a difference of opinion, a healthy thing in politics if you ask me.
I think the public are going to support Davis. I think the majority of people realise that civil liberties have been snatched away by the government and that someone needs to make the stance. The PM is going to be embarrassed and the Conservatives can only gain support. The media are labelling him a nutter. The public I think are going to hail him as a hero.
The UN has suggested, in fairly strong terms that the UK should hold a referendum on whether to scrap our monarchy and become a republic. I think I'd support that, not because I want Britain to be a republic, but because I think Ponce Charles is a bloody liability.
All this, and Tessa Jowl (Minister for London) has been photographed dressed as Barbie's Grandmother. It doesn't get any better than this.

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