Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Politicians are odd creatures. Nearly all of them claim to believe in democracy. Even the dictators claim that the will of the people put them there. Yet when democracy shows them something they don't want to see, they ignore it. Hilary Clinton has lost the race for presidential nomination. It's quite unarguable. She simply doesn't have as much support as her opponent. If she believes in democracy, she should stand aside and allow it to work. Why doesn't she stand down? She only seems to be in favour of democracy if it gives her power.

Exactly the same thing is happening in Zimbabwe. Robert Mugabe knew damn well he couldn't win a presidential election, so he tried to fix it. When that failed, he refused to release the results and refused to stand down when it became clear he had lost. Now he's forced a run off, which he can't possibly win, and his opponent has been "detained" by his police. The man would rather send his country into civil war than let the people chose their leader. Yet he stands on a podium and preaches democracy.

Hilary Clinton and Robert Mugabe are both corrupt, power-mad scum. Why would anyone support them?

This is going to be a truncated entry because we're making bread. This is just a stop-gap while it rises.


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