Friday, June 06, 2008

Another prediction

OK, I feel another prediction coming. Big Brother Nine started last night with the usual hysteria. I always tell myself I'm not going to watch it, then stray across it by mistake while channel surfing and find myself drawn to it, like a road accident. Another 16 unstable social misfits have been imprisoned in the house for the next three months. The hilarious twist this series is that two housemates are pretending to be a couple, when in fact they only just met, while in reality two other contests are a real couple but are not allowed to tell anyone. How do they come up with these amazing ideas?

I didn't watch it all. I saw about 5 people go into the house, and Divina McCall jumping about like a schoolgirl at a Boyzone concert. My prediction is that the winner will be Mikey. He's a comedian and he's blind. Women very seldom win BB. I think it's because the majority of public voters are women and they don't vote for other women. If men voted, the women with the biggest chests would win. Is that cynical? Mikey not only has the advantage of being male, he will also get the sympathy vote, and he came across as a nice guy when he arrived. So there you have it. I'll be commenting again in 13 weeks.

Sir Ian Blair, the corrupt chief of the Met Police, is always somewhere near the top of my list of people I loath most in the world. He's about third at the moment, behind Tony Blair and David Blunkett. Today he has come out with a statement which, on the surface seems fairly sensible. He suggests the CPS prosecute celebrities when they are caught taking drugs on film. He mentioned particularly the case of Kate Moss, who was recently filmed doing something dodgy looking with an unidentified white powder in a London recording studio.

The CPS defended themselves by saying that they considered prosecuting Moss but didn't have any evidence that the substance in the film was an illegal narcotic. Sir Ian Blair claims she should still have been prosecuted and made to prove to a jury that the powder we saw was not drugs.


Since when has anyone had to prove their innocence in this country? I'm sure I remember being taught that everyone in this country was innocent until proven guilty. Isn't that a cast iron human right? If you think she's Guilty Sir Ian, it's up to you to convince a jury she is. It's not up to her to convince one she's not.

I don't like Kate Moss. She's only a place or two behind Sir Ian in my list of foul people as a matter of fact, but she does have the same human rights as every other British subject. I'm more than a little concerned that Sir Ian seems to think he doesn't have to observe that.


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