Monday, June 16, 2008

Working from home

So I'm working from home today. The man has come to do our tiling and I wanted to be here to see him. I managed to buy different batches of tiles it seems, so they didn't quite match. He's mixed them all up though, so I think it'll be OK.

I didn't realise George W was coming to Britain. He's not a popular fellow. The police had trouble keeping the protesters contained in Parliament Square yesterday it seems.

We had a pretty good weekend. I found a working farm to visit. There were animals to feed, sheep and goat racing, a huge maze (2 acres) made of willow hedges, bouncy castle, tractor rides, baby donkey, baby pigs, straw bale maze thing. And it was just £6.50 each to get in, and then we didn't have to pay for anything else. We had a pretty good time anyway.

I know that picture above looks like an unkempt forest of willow, but that is the maze, and believe me, it's a bugger to get through.

It was the Swindon Summer festival this weekend. A bit of a washout if you ask me. It was badly advertised. I couldn't work out where all the events were going to be. I only knew about the gig in Faringdon Road Park because I saw them putting the gear up. They had a Blues Brothers tribute band there. They were actually pretty good.

Nothing else of any interest is happening. Oh, the country is running out of fuel. I love it when this happens. I have half a tank, and I don't need to drive anywhere. The strike was due to end tomorrow, but it seems the tanker drivers are still angry and failed to reach any agreement in talks today, so more strike action looks inevitable. Do you know, the average tanker driver is earning £36K a year? I know some university graduates not earning that much.


At 5:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

W came there? Um.. Can you keep him, please?


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