Radioactive Vomit Yellow
We painted the kitchen. I didn't think we would find enough time between parenting duties to do it, but it's finished, apart from a very little bit of woodwork. I did walls and ceiling, the dragon did the woodwork. I'm still cleaning paint splashes from my glasses. The funny thing is, Dumpy went to bed when the kitchen walls were radioactive vomit yellow, and woke up with them "natural wicker", and I don't think he noticed a difference.
I got up early yesterday morning and made eggs benedict for breakfast. It was pretty awesome. I wouldn't want it every day, but I did want to see if I could make a hollandaise sauce, and I could. So that is something else I can add to the list of stuff I can make.

In preparation for our visit to the Lake District in August, we bought a back-pack thing for carrying the boy. It was £70, so he has to like it. It's quite good actually. We did a trial run on the way home. I think he likes the fact that he can see over the head of the driver.

Oh man.. He is getting so BIG. It's killing me. To fast!
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