Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Today Dragged

Gordon Brown says we should not be wasting so much food. The Telegraph points out that the Common Agricultural policy wastes literally mountains of food every year, and if the PM was really worried about wasting food and keeping prices down, he should consider withdrawing. Europe really is the root of all things evil in this country.

Any PM giving the public advice on home economics seems somehow hilarious, but Gordon Brown, what was he thinking? When was the last time he nipped out to sainsbury for a carton of milk? Looks like another bad PR move to me. There is also much talk about Gordon's future in the papers now as the Glasgow East by-election draws close. Glasgow East is a particularly under privileged constituency. Unemployment is high, morale is low. It's been a Labour secure seat for decades, but who knows what might happen at a by election now that Labour is about as popular as a dose of clap. The Conservatives can't possibly win Glasgow East, but the SNP could. And if they do, the knives will be out for Gordon.

I spent all morning in a meeting at work. It should have lasted an hour, but went on for two. It was excruciating. I'm sometimes almost overcome with the urge to get up and stab certain people to death with my biro.

I think I have to mention Max Mosley, the FIA chief. In case you have been living on Mars, Max was secretly filmed partaking in a very kinky sex session in a basement in Chelsea. It seems that Max had paid 5 women £500 each for their time. The video appeared on the News of the World website and clearly showed a sado masochistic event in which the ladies dressed in black jackets, black boots, and black caps. Max and one of the other women apparently conversed in German. The Telegraph also reports that there was head lice checking and shaving involved. It doesn't explain what was shaved sadly. The News of the World described the event as a, "sick Nazi orgy with five hookers".

Max was understandably upset that the News of the World decided to expose him in this way. In retaliation he has taken the newspaper to court claiming that they invaded his privacy. Now I find it slightly strange that someone worried about privacy makes the decision to launch a very public law suit about the affair, but I can sort of understand it. The guy is angry with the press, so he tries to sue them.

So here's what I can't understand; Max seems to be particularly riled that the News of the World described the event as a "sick Nazi orgy with 5 hookers". In his defence, Max is the son of Oswald Mosley, fascist political nutter from the 30s. Even so, so riled is Max at the phrase used in the press that it appears to have clouded his judgement and he is now saying the most ridiculous things. Apparently the 5 women he paid for sex were not prostitutes - OK. And there was "not a hint" of Nazi behaviour in the video - the one with the girls wearing black boots and shouting in German.

I'm not normally one to defend the British gutter press, and believe me the News of the World is about as gutter as it gets, but they have a point here don't they?

Oh here is the footage anyway. It's not safe for work, obviously.


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