Friday, July 11, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

10 July

Good things that happened today:

Someone at work brought cakes in to celebrate a birthday. It's not raining. Ann Robinson has been banned from driving for six months after her fourth speeding offence in less than three years.

Bad things that happened today:

Bloody car failed MOT test and needs new exhaust pipe. £345, plus the cost of the test and service. Not much change from £500 - Pah!

Bob Geldof wrote a rousing piece in the telegraph this morning. I don't very often agree with Sir Bob, but I read this piece and it seemed strangely familiar to me. Then I realised, it's the same speech I do when I'm drunk.

11 July

David Davies won the Haltemprice and Howden by election. It was no surprise, since the other two major parties decided not to contest the seat. He did however win in some style. There were 26 candidates, 23 of which lost their deposit. Davies took nearly three quarters of the total votes, and won with a 15,000 majority. He gained over 17,000 votes. He actually polled more than 22,000 votes in the last election there, and won with a majority of more than 5,000. But turnout was over 70% that day. Turnout yesterday was 34%. What's the point of voting if you know the winner anyway?

Davies took the opportunity have a dig at the PM, saying that they should have entered a candidate even if they knew the result was a foregone conclusion, so that a debate could have been staged. He used some pretty strong langauge to attack Labour's 42-day detention plan, and the Telegraph took the opportunity to do the same. I think he's actually proved a point here. It would have been great to see a high turnout, which would have sent a very clear message, but it was never going to happen.

OK, that's the boring bit over. Here is a video of the boy demonstrating how to poo. I must stress that this is only a demonstration. No animals or children were harmed during the making of this film.


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