Goats and Reindeer
Great start to the week. It looks like my company is going to be laying people off. I'm not confident about my future. So I've been slinging my CV about already. I've been expecting it. I work in an industry which sells to banks. And lets face it, banks are not looking healthy right now. So, if you don't hear from me for a while, its because the house has been repossessed or something.
On an altogether far more positive note, we went to Devon for the weekend and we saw reindeer, real ones. I thought they'd be bigger, like a moose or something, but they're small. I rather liked them. They eat special reindeer moss from Norway. The boy fed them. There were goats too, and the children were allowed in the pen. He really seemed to enjoy himself. He fed the goats too.

If I lose my job, maybe I could be a reindeer farmer.
On a related note, here's how the conversation in my cubicle went this morning:
me: "I saw real reindeer this weekend."
George: "What, in the wild?"
me: Yes George, I've been to Lapland."

VAT is down to 15% for a year apparently. Well that will make me want to rush out and buy luxury goods. A whole 2.5%!
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